New England Actors Network
New England Actors Network
We bring NY and LA Industry Professionals to you
We bring NY and LA Industry Professionals to you
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978-386-5644, (Noon- 8pm EST only please)
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****We send out emails, blind CC, approx every 3 months****
About Us
Karl Steudel, founder of New England Actors Network, is a long time, familiar, New England Actor. Heis also now acting in LA with the goal of being fully bicoastal.
Realizing how important it is for actors to meet with Agents and Casting directors, Karl made many trips to New York and a flight to LA, for Networking events himself. He soon saw the need for such events to take place in Boston, at affordable and convenient venues.
With Boston's New tax incentives bringing in so many films, how can we get submitted for the lead roles? How can we best reach out in person to the directors, producers and general industry both in LA and New York, and to those who are coming to town? How do we find a good agent? Of course, it's who you know and what you know.
That is our mission, to provide the 'who and what' to make Boston actor's lives easier, and to make Boston an even stronger, professional place for actors.
Karl brings a strong background in planning and hosting similar networking events for Music Composers in the Film and Television industry, as Boston Events coordinator for the Film Music Institute.
Karl Steudel Breakdown Services Profile
Karl Steudel IMDB
Karl Steudel Agency Pro site

Karl Steudel, founder